Distance Reiki

1-1 distance reiki

a woman with long hair and a rose coloured floaty dress has her back to the camera and her arms raised as if she's spinning, outside in nature

how can reiki help?

A distance reiki healing session can help you to relax, rest deeply and energetically release what is keeping you stuck. It brings you more peace, confidence and clarity, whilst encouraging you to listen to your own intuition.

Distance reiki healing is great if you are:

πŸ’› Feeling stressed, anxious or overwhelmed
πŸ’› Navigating a period of change in your life
πŸ’› Going round in circles and don’t feel you’re making progress
πŸ’› Struggling to let go of past events, relationships or trauma
πŸ’› Trying to tune in and follow your intuition more regularly

It can help you to:

πŸ’š Heal on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level
πŸ’š Release energetic charge of emotional and physical issues
πŸ’š Feel lighter and more open to the possibilities of life
πŸ’š Trust that you have all the answers you need
πŸ’š Feel calmer and more resilient to life’s ups and downs

(Learn more about reiki on my blog - The Reiki Lowdown: What is energy healing anyway?)

Two hands coming together to make a heart shape with a sunset in the background, golden in colour.

What happens during a session?

We start with a shared intention to connect to reiki. It’s our shared intention that connects us across time and space. Prior to the session you can share with me why are you looking for reiki healing and what intentions you'd like us to work on, by completing an online form.

Your session will last about 45 minutes. During this time we won’t be connected by technology (no video call, phone call or instant message). You just need to create your own sacred space at home to fully relax and be open to receiving reiki.

Read more about how to get the most out of a distance reiki session.

What will you experience?

Just like any kind of inner work, everyone has a personal experience.

You may feel: deep relaxation, sensations in your body (hot, cold, tingling, pressure, tension releasing), emotions rising, nothing at all! You may see colours, images or hear messages.

Sometimes these things make sense immediately, sometimes they might need a little contemplation, or it may not even be relevant to work it out. The proof of the healing is how you go on to feel in your day-to-day life around your intentions for seeking reiki, not in the session experience itself.

distance reiki

client experiences

"After each session I have felt relaxed and calm. Over the days and weeks since sessions I believe this has contributed to a more positive me. It's like my body has had a clear out and I have fewer things weighing me down!"
- Jade

"This is the most incredible service! <3 And I'm not sure that service is the right word at all!! xxx
Claire's ability to heal at distance is the most magical thing and having experienced reiki in a few ways and other healing modalities this was incredibly special! I feel lighter and wonderful today, thank you Claire :)" - Cass

book distance reiki

Sessions cost Β£45 for 45 minutes.

Book a 1-1 distance reiki session by getting in touch by email or contacting me via Instagram

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